19 Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Acai Berries For Skin, Hair And Health

Acai berry is a small round fruit, brilliant reddish-purple in color. It is found only in the rain forests of the Amazon and belongs to the species of blueberry, cranberry etc.

Not only does it taste good but the health benefits of this exotic berry are totally off the charts! It is only in the recent times that the World got to know of the acai berry and it’s amazing nutritional content and hence the popularity of the fruit. In this article, you will discover the amazing benefits of acai berry.

1. Acai berry for Weight Loss:

One of the keys to rapid and healthy weight loss is the body’s ability to quickly eliminate waste. Acai can help you to flush out pounds of unwanted waste and body toxins leaving you thinner, cleaner and happier. Acai berry juice or just the fruit is best for boosting fat-burning metabolism. When you burn fat, you emulsify it thus creating wastes and toxins in the blood stream. Acai berry has fibers that can help in the process of losing weight.

2. Increases Your Overall Energy:

Acai berry has internal cleansing effect. This fruit can also helps you to sleep better at night and to wake up more energetic and refreshed in the morning.

3. Promotes Healthier Skin:

Everyone wants a more youthful-looking and elastic skin. Acai berry has vitamins like A, C and E that can help in the regeneration of your skin. Its unique properties help your skin glow and look younger.

4. Improves Your Blood Flow:

Acai berry contains anthocyanin, a potent antioxidant that promotes proper circulation of the blood. The improved circulation results in feeling better and healthier. It is due to poor blood circulation that many disease related to blood clotting, pre-mature balding, and heart problems occur.

5. Stronger Heart:

Essential fatty acids like linoleic and oleic acids are present in acai berry. Oleic acid can prevent hypertension and also gives your heart the vital nutrients that it needs to work properly and efficiently. In addition, it helps to decrease bad cholesterol, LDL and maintain healthy levels of good cholesterol, HDL.

6. Improves Mental Clarity:

Acai berry contains Omega 3 that promotes better memory not just for the older generation but for all age groups. The nutrients found in the pureed berries allow the person to be more alert and makes concentrating easier.

7. Reduces “Bad” Cholesterol:

The berry has two essential fatty acids: one is known as Omega 6 (linoleic acid) and the other is Omega 9 (Oleic acid). Frequent studies have shown that these fatty acids play a major role in lowering and maintaining of normal cholesterol levels.

8. Anti-Oxidant:

This fruit has the ability to protect and shield the body from the attack of deranged scavenger cells called “free radicals” which are produced as a result of polluted air that we breathe and the residual pesticides that we ingest from supermarket fruits and vegetables. Acai berry with its antioxidants helps detoxify the body of negative elements. Acai has been shown to have up to 33 times more anti-oxidant power than that of red wine and grapes.

9. Fights Cancer:

The antioxidants found in acai berry like anthocyanins block carcinogenesis at its molecular level which results in the death of the tumour cells and reduce the growth of cancer cells in defected organs. And thus, aids in fighting cancers.

10. Enhances Sexual Performance:

For some, this may be the best benefit they can get from acai berry. When all of the above benefits are in effect, your sexual libido gets a jump start.

Acai berry health benefits are truly remarkable! Try it daily for 3 weeks, and see the results for yourself.

Acai Berry Skin Benefits:

From Dr. Oz to Oprah, everyone is singing laurels of how this tiny fruit transformed their skin.

11. Extract Used In Anti-Ageing Creams:

Some manufacturers also claim to use extracts of the berry in their anti-ageing creams.

12. Leaves Skin Fresh & Unblemished:

Rich in antioxidants, the Acai berries make your skin look younger, fresher and unblemished.

13. Controls Acne:

It can help in controlling acne – the bane of every teen’s life! It owes this healing capability to its anti-inflammatory properties.

14. Surplus Vitamins Improve Skin Quality:

Besides antioxidants, these berries are also full of vitamins, which add to your overall skin quality.

15. Facial Mask Lightens the Scars:

If you suffer from hyper pigmentation or scars, ditch the chemical skin care products and try a mask of acai berries and avocados. If you can lay your hands on fresh berries, simply crush them and enjoy a facial mask indulgence!

Acai Berry Hair Benefits:

16. Strengthens Hair from Roots:

It’s your hair’s inner strength that shows itself on the outside. Berries do exactly that; strengthen every strand of your hair right from its roots!

17. Helps in Hair Growth:

The protein content of Acai berry (higher than in eggs) and the omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids as well as the vitamins such as A, C, E and B vitamins in the Acai berry are required for hair growth and health.

18. Promotes Scalp Health:

Acai berries also contain folic acid and zinc. If you have suffered from hair loss at some point of time in life, you would know that zinc helps in making hair roots stronger and promotes good scalp health.

19. Controls Hair Fall:

High levels of calcium is associated with hair loss; the magnesium in these berries regulates the calcium levels in your body, thus helping to control hair fall too.

How to Use Acai Berry?

Acai berries can be eaten raw or turned into any of the following recipes:
  • Shake it: Blend it with milk to make a nice shake or smoothie.
  • Cream: It also comes all bottled up, ready to apply on your skin.
  • Supplements: Tablets and capsules can be simply popped in.
  • Juice: Berry crushed into a juice and chilled, add sugar or honey if you want it sweet 
Choosing What’s Best for You:

A small quantity of the berry, in any of the above forms, is recommended, as it boosts your body’s metabolism, flushes out toxins in your body, and reveals younger and smoother looking skin! Results may take time. Acai berry supplements of various brands are easily available in the pharmacies. Be sure to check for any side effects, though generally these supplements are harmless.

How to Store the Wonder Berry:

If you prefer to consume the berries in its natural form- simply refrigerate and consume in a week’s time. Storing the pills, juices and supplements is easy. Their shelf life is long (up to a year), as long as they are stored in a cool, dry place. The contents of the juice box, however, must be used within a stipulated time. If you are using Acai berry powder – it is already freeze dried, hence it has a rather long shelf life.


As is true for every other supplement and diet wonder, the user must be aware that there are rare chances of a reaction to the fruit or the over-the-counter forms of the berry. Many complain of mild side effects like heartburn or gas, which settles with time.

Don’t expect the berry to cure all of life’s ills, use it well and judiciously. Make it a part of your daily diet and skin/hair care routine, and reap the benefits!

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